<%= link_to api_path do %> <%= image_tag 'logos/both-original.webp', style: 'width: 100%' %> <% end %>
Supercharge your writing applications with Notebook.ai's world-class worldbuilding resources

<% Rails.application.config.content_types[:all].each do |content_type| %> <%= content_type.icon %> <% end %>

We now offer an API for developers that would like to take advantage of the features and worlds in Notebook.ai.

To get started, you'll want to <%= link_to 'register an application', api_applications_path %> and get your API key. In order to access any user's notebook, you'll first need them to <%= link_to 'authenticate your application', api_approvals_path %> and give you an access key specific to their notebook.

In other words, it's just three easy steps to get started:

  • Step 1

    To receive an access token for your application, you'll first need to register it for use.

    <%= link_to 'Register application', api_applications_path, class: 'blue white-text btn' %>
  • Step 2

    In order to access or modify a user's notebook pages on their behalf, you'll first need that user to approve your application. You can set up an approval flow that notifies your application whenever a user authorizes its use, or you can direct them to <%= link_to 'their integrations page', api_integrations_path %> and have them paste their authorization code directly into your app.

    <%= link_to 'Create approval flow', api_approvals_path, class: 'btn blue white-text' %>
  • Step 3
<%= link_to api_docs_path do %>
Browse available API endpoints

Documentation for developers, by developers

<% end %>
Gain full access to millions of <% Rails.application.config.content_types[:all_non_universe].each do |type| %> <%= type.name.downcase.pluralize %>, <% end %> and universes.

After a user authenticates your application, you'll have full access to integrate their worldbuilding pages into your app. You can show them their characters, let them import pictures from their locations, pin their towns and landmarks to your maps, create new items, and more — all without leaving your app.

<%= link_to 'See the available endpoints by clicking here.', api_docs_path %>

<%= image_tag 'screenshots/page-types.webp', width: '100%', class: 'materialboxed', data: { caption: "A few of the page types available on Notebook.ai" } %>
Generate two-way mentions for your content and drive traffic back to your site
<%= image_tag 'screenshots/integrations.webp', width: '100%', class: 'materialboxed', data: { caption: "Each integration gets its own tab on Notebook.ai pages" } %>

When a user links their notebook page in your app, we can automatically show a link back to your page from that notebook page, too.

For example, if a user publishes a story about Alice and Bob on your site and links their Alice and Bob pages from Notebook.ai, we'll show a link to that story on both Alice and Bob's Notebook.ai pages also.

<%= link_to 'See the available endpoints by clicking here.', api_docs_path %>

Want to build something our API doesn't support yet? <%= link_to 'Get in touch!', 'https://github.com/indentlabs/notebook/issues' %>