Referencing pages around the Internet on

Application developers can now add external links directly to individual pages via <%= link_to 'the API', api_path %>.

Each application receives its own tab under the "References" sidebar when viewing any notebook page, which will list all external references when clicked. Each reference must have a URL, and may optionally also have a title, description, and image to accompany it.

Please use this API only to link pages in which the content of a particular page appears or is predominantly featured. For a character, for example, consider adding references to stories in which they appear. For a location, consider adding references to stories set in that location.

<%= image_tag 'screenshots/integration-references.webp', class: 'hoverable' %>

<%= link_to 'Browse the full API documentation', api_path, class: 'blue btn white-text' %>
<%= image_tag 'screenshots/integrations.webp', class: 'hoverable' %>