%= content_for :full_width_page_header do %>
To save any image, simply right click on it (or long-press if you're on mobile) and click "Save as..." to save it to your computer.
Feel free to upload your images to their character pages on Notebook.ai if you want to show them off in a gallery alongside any other information you have about your character! <% unless user_signed_in? %> <%= link_to 'You can sign up for a free account here.', new_registration_path(User) %> <% end %>
All visualizer images are typically private by default when generated from Notebook.ai, but any images generated from this page for the VizJam will be public by default (and visible from this page!). The jam is meant to introduce our creatives to the new kinds of tools out there available for visualizing your ideas, and making everything public is a great way to learn what's possible from each other. If you want to make private images of your characters, you can always use <%= link_to "Notebook.ai's standard visualization feature", basil_path %>.
Only the most recent 20 generated images are shown on this page, so make sure you save any images you want to keep! After they fall off the list, you won't see them again!
Come <%= link_to 'join us on Discord', 'https://discord.gg/bDE8g5YRzp' %> and request it! I'll be adding more character options throughout the day based on your feedback. :)
Here are the big differences:
VizJam | Notebook.ai's Visualizer | |
Price | Free to use | Available with Premium ($7-9/mo) |
Privacy | Public | Private |
Available Styles | Realistic | Realistic & 11 other styles |
Content | Characters only | <%= BasilService::ENABLED_PAGE_TYPES.map(&:pluralize).to_sentence %> |
Control | Simple checkbox options | Unlimited, freeform text |
This VizJam runs from June 8rd, 2023 to June 13th, 2023. You can follow <%= link_to '@IndentLabs on Twitter', 'https://www.twitter.com/IndentLabs', target: '_blank' %> or <%= link_to '@IndentLabs on Medium', 'https://medium.com/indent-labs', target: '_blank' %> to know when the next VizJam will be!