<%= link_to asset_path('basil/character-jam.png') do %> <%= image_tag 'basil/character-jam.png', style: 'width: 100%' %> <% end %>
Thank you for participating!

Together, we visualized 1,611 characters!

In the spirit of AI transparency, I've compiled some aggregate visualizations of the kinds of characters that were most — and least — visualized during this VizJam.

If you noticed that any particular age, gender, race, or other trait produced lower-quality images than others, please <%= link_to 'let me know', 'https://discord.gg/bDE8g5YRzp' %> so I can continue to make our AI models work better for all kinds of characters! You can also <%= link_to 'read about our commitment to Ethical AI', 'https://medium.com/indent-labs/our-commitment-to-ethical-ai-be13a37b2a7f' %>.

<%= area_chart({ "2023-06-08"=>208, "2023-06-09"=>515, "2023-06-10"=>255, "2023-06-11"=>128, "2023-06-12"=>167, "2023-06-13"=>338}, title: 'New visualizations per day', colors: ['#E91E63'], max: 550, height: '200px') %>
<% @content_type = Character singular_class_name = @content_type.name pluralized_class_name = @content_type.name.pluralize premium_page = !User.new.can_create?(@content_type) %>

You can still create characters and visualize them on Notebook.ai!

<%= image_tag "card-headers/#{pluralized_class_name.downcase}.webp", class: 'materialboxed tooltipped', alt: "The default image used for all #{pluralized_class_name.downcase} on Notebook.ai, but you can replace it with your own uploads.", data: { tooltip: "The default image used for all #{pluralized_class_name.downcase} on Notebook.ai, but you can replace it with your own uploads."} %>

Creating <%= pluralized_class_name %> on Notebook.ai

<%= t("content_descriptions.#{singular_class_name.downcase}") %>

Creating <%= pluralized_class_name.downcase %> on Notebook.ai is easy.

To get started, just click <%= pluralized_class_name %> under the "Worldbuilding" header in the site sidebar. You'll be able to see or edit all of your existing <%= singular_class_name.downcase %> pages and create new ones at any time.

<%= @content_type.icon %> Get a head start with a rich <%= singular_class_name.downcase %> template

Templates on Notebook.ai are what help our unique worldbuilding system better understand your world.

You can fill out as little or as much as you'd like on every new <%= singular_class_name.downcase %>. You'll see progress indicators every time you edit it to show where you can make progress on, and our system will intelligently generate questions for you around the site that will automatically save your answers to the proper place on your <%= singular_class_name.downcase %> page.

Templates are also fully customizable across every <%= singular_class_name.downcase %> in your notebook.

You can browse the default template for <%= pluralized_class_name.downcase %> here; click any category to see its questions.

<%= image_tag 'basil/portrait.png', style: 'width: 420px' %>
palette Visualize your characters

After you've created a character on Notebook.ai, visualizing them is as easy as picking an image style and clicking a button. Everything you've written about what they look like on their notebook page is automatically included.

Image visualization is a Premium feature, but you can generate up to 100 images for free to try it out for yourself.

<% if user_signed_in? %>
Already logged in? Great!
<%= link_to 'Visualize your ideas', basil_path, class: 'btn btn-large hoverable blue white-text' %>
<% else %>
Want to keep visualizing your ideas?
<%= link_to 'Get started with Notebook.ai', new_registration_path(User), class: 'btn btn-large hoverable blue white-text' %>
<% end %> <% 10.times do %>
<% end %>