Draw my...
<% @enabled_content_types.each do |content_type| %>
<%= link_to basil_content_index_path(content_type.downcase) do %>
<%= content_class_from_name(content_type).icon %>
<%= content_type.pluralize %>
<% if @content_type == content_type %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
What about other pages?
A lot of work goes into making sure each page produces accurate, high quality images.
More page types will be added soon!
<% unless current_user.on_premium_plan? %>
Image generation is a Premium-only feature, but free accounts can still generate up
to <%= pluralize BasilService::FREE_IMAGE_LIMIT, 'image' %> for free.
You have generated <%= pluralize @generated_images_count, 'image' %>
and have <%= pluralize [0, BasilService::FREE_IMAGE_LIMIT - @generated_images_count].max, 'free image' %> remaining:
<% if @generated_images_count >= BasilService::FREE_IMAGE_LIMIT %>
<%= link_to 'Click here to manage your billing plan', subscription_path, class: 'blue-text text-darken-4' %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if @universe_scope %>
<%= Universe.icon %>
Showing <%= pluralize @content.count, @content_type %> from <%= @universe_scope.name %>.
<%= link_to "Show #{@content_type.pluralize.downcase} from all universes instead.", basil_content_index_path(@content_type, universe: "all"), class: 'purple-text text-lighten-4' %>
<% end %>
<% @content.each do |content| %>
<%= link_to basil_content_path(@content_type, content.id) do %>
<%= image_tag content.random_image_including_private(format: :medium), style: 'height: 200px' %>
<%= content.name %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if @content.empty? %>
You haven't created any <%= @content_type %> pages yet.
<%= link_to new_polymorphic_path(@content_type.downcase), class: '' do %>
Create <%= @content_type %>
<% end %>
<% end %>