<%= image_tag 'basil/portrait.png', style: 'width: 100%' %>
Hey, I'm Basil.
I can help you visualize your ideas.
This is a little About Me page.
<%= link_to 'Click here to start generating images of your ideas.', basil_path %>
<%= number_with_delimiter @commissions.count %>
<%= @page_type.downcase %> images created
area_chart @commissions.group_by_day(:created_at).map { |date, count| [date.to_date, count] },
colors: ['#9C27B0', '#2196F3'],
title: "#{@page_type} images created per day",
suffix: ' images'
column_chart [
{ name: "Historical average", data: @emoji_counts_all_time },
{ name: "Today", data: @emoji_counts_today, }
colors: ['#2196F3', '#C88ED2'],
title: "Quality: #{number_with_delimiter @feedback_today.values.sum + @feedback_before_today.values.sum} #{'image'.pluralize @feedback_before_today.values.sum} rated",
suffix: '%'
pie_chart @emoji_counts_today,
colors: ['#B71C1C', '#D95151', '#757575' '#1B5E20', '#236428', '#43A047', '#2196F3'],
legend: 'right',
donut: true,
title: "Today's quality ratings",
suffix: '%'
bar_chart @average_score_per_style,
title: "Average quality score per style",
min: -2,
max: 2,
colors: ['#2196F3']
bar_chart @total_score_per_style,
title: "Total quality score per style",
colors: ['#2196F3']
<%= link_to 'Click here to help by rating your images.', basil_rating_queue_path %>