%# Usage: render partial: 'content/form/contributors', locals: { content: content } %> <% raw_model = content.is_a?(ContentSerializer) ? content.raw_model : content %>
Universes can have an unlimited number of collaborators.
When a user is added as a collaborator to a universe, they are allowed to:
They are NOT allowed to:
The following users are enabled as contributors to this universe. <% if user_signed_in? && content.user == current_user %> You may remove their contributor privileges at any time. <% end %>
<%= render partial: 'content/display/contributors_user_list', locals: { content: content, raw_model: raw_model } %> <% end %> <% if user_signed_in? && content.user == current_user %>You may also add additional contributors to this universe by inviting them by email below.
<%= f.submit 'Send invites', class: 'btn purple white-text' %>
<% end %>