%# Usage: render partial: 'content/form/contributors/leave', locals: { content: content } %> <% if user_signed_in? && content.contributors.pluck(:user_id).include?(current_user.id) %>
You are a contributor to this universe. You may dismiss yourself as a contributor at any time, but will need to be reinvited to begin contributing again. You will lose access to all content in this universe unless it is shared publicly, even if you created or edited it previously.
<% my_contributor_object = Contributor.where(user: current_user, universe_id: content.id).first %> <%= link_to 'Leave this universe', remove_contributor_path(my_contributor_object.id), class: 'btn red lighten-3 black-text', method: 'delete', data: { confirm: "Are you sure? You will no longer have contributor access to this universe." } %>