<%= render partial: 'content/form/images/edit_list', locals: { content: content } %>
Upload more images <% if current_user.upload_bandwidth_kb > 0 %> You have <%= Filesize.from("#{current_user.upload_bandwidth_kb}KB").pretty %> of bandwidth remaining. <% else %> You have no upload bandwidth remaining. Upgrade to Premium or delete some existing images for more. <% end %>
<%= render partial: 'content/form/images/upload', locals: { f: f, content: content } %>
<%= link_to_add_association "add another image", f, :image_uploads, partial: 'content/form/images/upload', render_options: { locals: { f: f, content: content }} %>

<%= f.submit "Perform uploads", class: 'btn btn-large blue white-text' %>

Once you've selected your images, press the above button to upload them. This will reload the page.