% content_type = @content_type_class.name.downcase %> <%= content_for :full_width_page_header do %> <%= render partial: 'content/components/parallax_header', locals: { content_type: content_type, content_class: @content_type_class } %> <% end %> <% if @content.any? %>
Only showing <%= @content_type_class.name.downcase.pluralize %> in the <%= link_to @universe_scope.name, @universe_scope, class: Universe.color + '-text' %> universe. <%= link_to( "See #{@content_type_class.name.downcase.pluralize} from all universes.", '?universe=all', class: @content_type_class.color + '-text') %>
<% end %> <% elsif @content.empty? %><%= t("content_descriptions.#{content_type}") %>
<% if current_user.can_create?(@content_type_class) || PermissionService.user_has_active_promotion_for_this_content_type(user: current_user, content_type: @content_type_class.name) %> <%= link_to "Create your first #{content_type.humanize.downcase}", new_polymorphic_path(@content_type_class), class: "btn-large #{@content_type_class.color} darken-1" %> <% else %> <%= link_to "Upgrade to Premium to create your first #{content_type.humanize.downcase}", subscription_path %> <% end %><% 5.times { %><%= @content_type_class.icon %> <%}%>
<%= link_to "Learn more about creating #{content_type} pages on Notebook.ai.", send("#{content_type}_worldbuilding_info_path") %>Click the button below to customize the categories and fields for all of your <%= @content_type_class.name.downcase.pluralize %>.
<%= link_to "Customize", attribute_customization_path(@content_type_class.name.downcase), class: "btn #{@content_type_class.text_color} #{@content_type_class.color} lighten-5 text-darken-4" %>
You're currently focused on the <%= link_to @universe_scope.name, @universe_scope, class: Universe.color + '-text' %> universe and only seeing <%= @content_type_class.name.downcase.pluralize %> in that universe.
You can change what universe you're focused on by selecting a different one in the sidebar.