render partial: 'content/display/sidelinks',
locals: {
editing: false,
content: @serialized_content
render partial: 'content/display/sideactions',
locals: {
editing: false,
content: @serialized_content
<%= render partial: 'content/display/floating_action_buttons', locals: { editing: false } %>
<% @serialized_content.data[:categories].each do |serialized_category| %>
# Some categories get special views. This switch checks for those and falls back on
# the regular view if it's not a special case.
case serialized_category[:name]
when 'gallery'
render partial: 'content/form/images/gallery', locals: { content: content }
when 'contributors'
render partial: 'content/display/contributors', locals: { content: content } if @content.is_a?(Universe)
render partial: 'content/display/category_panel',
locals: {
content: @serialized_content,
category: serialized_category
<% end %>
<%# For most pages, we also want to render a bunch of other panels in case they're needed %>
<%= render partial: 'content/panels/in_this_universe', locals: { content: content } if @content.is_a?(Universe) %>
<%= render partial: 'content/panels/documents', locals: { content: content } if @serialized_content.documents.any? %>
<%= render partial: 'content/panels/shares', locals: { content: content } if @content.content_page_shares.any? %>
<%= render partial: 'content/panels/timelines', locals: { content: content } if @content.timelines.any? %>
<%= render partial: 'content/panels/collections', locals: { content: content } if @content.page_collection_submissions.accepted.any? %>
<%= render partial: 'content/panels/associations', locals: { content: content } %>