<%= render partial: 'content_page_shares/action_dropdown', locals: { share: share, content: content } %> <%= link_to share.user, class: "#{User.text_color}" do %> <%= image_tag share.user.image_url(size=20), class: 'left circle avatar' %> <%= share.user.display_name %> <% end %> started a new <%= link_to 'discussion', share.content_page %> on the forums. <%= link_to [share.user, share], class: 'grey-text' do %> <%= time_ago_in_words share.created_at %> ago <% end %>
<%= link_to share.content_page, class: 'white-text' do %>
<%= Thredded::Topic.icon %>
<%= content.title %>
Click here to join this discussion on the forums.
<% end %>