<%= link_to [share.user, share] do %>
<%= image_tag content.first_public_image(format: :small) %>
<% end %>
<%= link_to content do %>
<%= content.class.icon %>
<%= content.name %>
<% end %>
<% if share.message.present? %>
<%= simple_format ContentFormatterService.show( text: share.message, viewing_user: current_user ) %><% end %> Click here to read the document: <%= link_to content.title, content, class: "#{Document.text_color}" %> <%= render partial: 'share_comments/form', locals: { share: share } %>
<%= pluralize share.share_comments.count, 'comment' %>
<% share.share_comments.each do |comment| %>
<%= render partial: 'share_comments/show', locals: { comment: comment, share: share } %>
<% end %>
<% if share.share_comments.count > 10 %>
<%= render partial: 'share_comments/form', locals: { share: share } %>
<% end %>