forum Talk to your characters

There are a lot of new sites popping up for talking to AI characters. This page lets you export your characters to those sites, starting with the open-source project OpenCharacters.

Please note that these services aren't a part of; this is just a way to get your characters into those sites! To get started, click on any character below.

<% if @universe_scope %>
<%= Universe.icon %> Showing <%= pluralize @characters.count, 'character' %> from <%= %>. <%= link_to "Show characters from all universes instead.", conversation_path(universe: "all"), class: 'purple-text text-lighten-4' %>
<% end %>
<% @characters.each do |content| %> <%= link_to talk_path(content) do %>
<%= image_tag content.random_image_including_private(format: :medium), style: 'height: 200px' %> <%= %>
<% end %> <% end %> <% if @characters.empty? %>
You haven't created any character pages yet.

<%= link_to new_character_path, class: '' do %>
add Create character
<% end %>
<% end %>