<% @all_content_types.sort_by(&:name).each.with_index do |content_type, i| %>
<%= image_tag "card-headers/#{content_type.name.downcase.pluralize}.webp", height: 240, width: 200 %> <%= content_type.icon %> <%= content_type.name.pluralize %>
<% end %>
<%= image_tag "card-headers/more.webp", height: 200, width: 300 %>
add More page types coming soon...

We're adding more page types soon so you can customize your digital notebook to match your world — not the other way around.

<%= link_to 'https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1PFOaa97Cu3vrceUvcuFT6nyITaMwR-4wQSarUdVoPSg/edit', target: '_new' do %> Request a new page type <% end %>