Question: What should you do if you find your notebook cluttering up with pages you haven't used in a while, but you don't want to delete them?
Answer: You can now archive those pages!
To archive a page, simply click the archive icon (archive) when editing that page. Archived pages are still viewable when visited through the archives (or from a direct URL), but won't show up around the rest of, leaving you to focus on the pages that matter more to you right now.
Of course, you an un-archive a page at any time from this page also!
<%= %> name | Archived | |
<%= link_to content, class: "#{content_type.text_color}" do %> <%= content_type.icon %> <%= %> <% end %> | <%= time_ago_in_words content.archived_at %> ago | <%= link_to send("toggle_archive_#{}_path", content), class: "btn #{content_type.color}" do %> unarchive Un-archive <% end %> |