<%= link_to data_vault_path, class: 'grey-text tooltipped', style: 'position: relative; top: 4px;', data: { position: 'bottom', enterDelay: '500', tooltip: "Back to your Data Vault" } do %> arrow_back <% end %> Collaboration on Notebook.ai

Your shared universes
<% if @shared_universes.any? %> <% else %>

None yet!

<% end %>
Universes shared with you
<% if @collaborating_universes.any? %> <% else %>

None yet!

<% end %>
Your collaborators
<% if @collaborators.any? %> <% else %>

None yet!

<% end %>
Frequently-asked questions

Whenever you edit a universe on Notebook.ai, you can add others as collaborators by entering their email address into the "Contributors" tab. They'll receive an email letting them know they've been invited, and will automatically accept if they sign up for an account with the email address you invited (or if they already have an account with that email).

Your universe's collaborators will have full access to view and edit every page within that universe (except for being able to edit what universe those pages are in), even if those pages are set to private. You can check out the changelog for any page to see what changes your collaborators have made.

If you have an active Premium subscription, you'll share it to your contributors for each universe you share. Contributors will be able to create Premium pages within that universe even if they don't have a Premium subscription themselves. This Premium Sharing is great for small groups and classrooms.

<%= content_for :javascript do %> $('.panel').show(); <% end %>