Title | Word count | History | Analyzed? |
<%= Document.icon %> <%= link_to document.title, document, class: "#{Document.text_color}" %> | <%= number_with_delimiter(document.cached_word_count || 0) %> <%= 'word'.pluralize(document.cached_word_count || 0) %> |
Created <%= time_ago_in_words document.created_at %> ago
(<%= document.created_at.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") %>)
Last updated <% time_ago_in_words document.updated_at %> ago
(<%= document.updated_at.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") %>)
<% if document.document_analysis.where.not(completed_at: nil).any? %> <%= link_to 'Yes', analysis_document_path(document), class: 'orange-text' %> <% else %> <%= link_to 'No', analysis_document_path(document) %> <% end %> |
Notebook.ai automatically creates backups of your documents as often as every five minutes as you're writing. The following charts estimate approximately how much time you spend writing in Notebook.ai each day based on how many of those automatic backups were created.