<%= link_to data_vault_path, class: 'grey-text tooltipped', style: 'position: relative; top: 4px;', data: { position: 'bottom', enterDelay: '500', tooltip: "Back to your Data Vault" } do %> arrow_back <% end %> Your paper footprint

<% total_pages_equivalent = 0 %>
All of the added functionality of Notebook.ai over a traditional paper notebook isn't the only benefit of going digital. Backing your ideas up in the cloud instead of on paper also saves trees!
Your personal paper footprint
<% @current_user_content.each do |content_type, content_list| %> <% content_list_count = content_list.count physical_page_equivalent = case content_type when 'Timeline' GreenService::AVERAGE_TIMELINE_EVENTS_PER_PAGE * TimelineEvent.where(timeline_id: content_list.map(&:id)).count when 'Document' [ content_list.inject(0) { |sum, doc| sum + (doc.cached_word_count || 0) } / GreenService::AVERAGE_WORDS_PER_PAGE.to_f, content_list_count ].max else GreenService.physical_pages_equivalent_for(content_type) * content_list_count end tree_equivalent = physical_page_equivalent.to_f / GreenService::SHEETS_OF_PAPER_PER_TREE total_pages_equivalent += physical_page_equivalent %> <% end %>
Digital content Equivalent physical pages Equivalent trees
<%= content_class_from_name(content_type).icon %> <%= pluralize content_list_count, content_type.pluralize %> copy_all <%= number_with_delimiter physical_page_equivalent %> <%= 'page'.pluralize physical_page_equivalent %> park <%= pluralize tree_equivalent.round(5), 'tree' %>
Totals copy_all <%= number_with_delimiter total_pages_equivalent.round %> <%= 'page'.pluralize total_pages_equivalent %> park <% trees_saved = total_pages_equivalent.to_f / GreenService::SHEETS_OF_PAPER_PER_TREE %> <%= number_with_delimiter trees_saved.round(5) %> <%= 'tree'.pluralize trees_saved %> saved
<% total_pages_equivalent = 0 %>
Our community paper footprint

Across all Notebook.ai pages...

<% (Rails.application.config.content_type_names[:all] + ["Timeline", "Document"]).each do |content_type| %> <% content_list_count = content_class_from_name(content_type).last.try(:id) || 0 physical_page_equivalent = case content_type when 'Timeline' GreenService.total_timeline_pages_equivalent when 'Document' GreenService.total_document_pages_equivalent else GreenService.physical_pages_equivalent_for(content_type) * content_list_count end tree_equivalent = physical_page_equivalent.to_f / GreenService::SHEETS_OF_PAPER_PER_TREE total_pages_equivalent += physical_page_equivalent %> <% end %>
Digital content Equivalent physical pages Equivalent trees
<%= content_class_from_name(content_type).icon %> <%= number_with_delimiter content_list_count %> <%= content_type.pluralize content_list_count %> copy_all <%= number_with_delimiter physical_page_equivalent %> <%= 'page'.pluralize physical_page_equivalent %> park <%= number_with_delimiter tree_equivalent.round(5) %> <%= 'tree'.pluralize tree_equivalent %>
Totals copy_all <%= number_with_delimiter total_pages_equivalent %> <%= 'page'.pluralize total_pages_equivalent %> park <% trees_saved = total_pages_equivalent.to_f / GreenService::SHEETS_OF_PAPER_PER_TREE %> <%= number_with_delimiter trees_saved.round(5) %> <%= 'tree'.pluralize trees_saved %> saved