Your referral code

Use your personal referral URL for sharing with others to make sure you get credit when they sign up!

Your referral link is

<%# %> you have

<%= @referral_count %>

<%= 'referral'.pluralize(@referral_count) %>
<%= link_to [ '', 'url=' + CGI.escape(@share_link), '&text=' + CGI.escape("I'm using to create fictional worlds and I'd love for you to join me!") ].join, target: '_new' do %>
Share to Twitter
<% end %>
Share to Facebook
<%= pluralize @referral_count, 'referral' %> Your referrals
<% if @referrals.any? %> <% @referrals.each do |referral| %> <% end %>
User Signed up
<%= link_to referral.referree, class: "#{User.text_color}" do %> <%= User.icon %> <%= %> <% end %> <%= time_ago_in_words referral.created_at %> ago <% if user_signed_in? && !referral.referree.blocked_by?(current_user) %> <% if referral.referree.followed_by?(current_user) %> <%= form_for(current_user.user_followings.find_by(followed_user_id:, method: :delete) do |f| %> <%= f.hidden_field :followed_user_id, value: %> <%= link_to '#', onclick: "$('.edit_user_following').first().submit()", class: 'collection-item blue white-text btn waves-effect waves-light' do %> Unfollow <% end %> <% end %> <% else %> <%= form_for, method: :post do |f| %> <%= f.hidden_field :followed_user_id, value: %> <%= link_to '#', onclick: "$('#new_user_following').submit()", class: 'collection-item blue white-text btn waves-effect' do %> Follow <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %>
<% else %> Looks like you haven't referred anyone yet! When you do, their profiles will show up here. <% end %>
Your rewards
Up to 10GB in extra storage space

Each user you refer to earns you an extra 100MB in permanent image upload storage space, up to 10GB (100 referrals).

You've earned <% if @referral_count < 10 %> <%= @referral_count * 100 %>MB <% else %> <%= @referral_count / 10.0 %>GB <% end %> in extra storage space so far.