cake You signed up to on <%= current_user.created_at.strftime("%B %d of this year, a very fine %A") %>!
Thank you so much for finding and enjoying the site. It's been a pleasure to build over the years; I hope it's been as helpful for your worldbuilding as it has been for mine!
The first notebook page you created this year was <%= %>, which you created on <%= @earliest_page.created_at.strftime("%B %d") %>. What a good omen for things to come!
First created <%= time_ago_in_words @earliest_page.created_at %> ago and last updated <%= time_ago_in_words @earliest_page.updated_at %> ago.
You started creating <%= pluralize @created_content['Universe'].count, 'new universe' %> in <%= @year %>!
That's awesome! <% if @created_content['Universe'].count > 1 %> More than one is more than most! You must be great at multi-tasking! <% end %>That's a big deal! Fictitious worlds can be extremely hard and complex to create. Filling out worldbuilding pages is just the first step to make the world in your head a reality. The more you create and flesh out, the richer your world becomes!
In all, you created...
upload You also uploaded <%= pluralize @created_content['ImageUpload'].count, 'image' %> to your notebook pages this year!
Sometimes it can be hard to stare down that blank sheet... but you seem to be entirely unphased!
You seem to strike a good balance between working alone and with others.
<%= PageCollection.icon %> You created <%= pluralize @created_content['PageCollection'].count, 'new Collection' %> in <%= @year %>!
You managed a <%= (@publish_rate * 100 + 0.5).to_i %>% acceptance rate when submitting to a Collection!
Congratulations on being awesome!
Thanks for spending it on I can't wait to see what you accomplish in <%= @year + 1 %>! :)
— Andrew