<%= link_to data_vault_path, class: 'grey-text tooltipped', style: 'position: relative; top: 4px;', data: { position: 'bottom', enterDelay: '500', tooltip: "Back to your Data Vault" } do %> arrow_back <% end %> Your year in review: <%= @year %>

<% if current_user.created_at.year == @year %>

cake You signed up to Notebook.ai on <%= current_user.created_at.strftime("%B %d of this year, a very fine %A") %>!

Thank you so much for finding and enjoying the site. It's been a pleasure to build over the years; I hope it's been as helpful for your worldbuilding as it has been for mine!

<% end %> <% if @earliest_page %>
<%= @earliest_page.class.icon %> It all started with <%= @earliest_page.name %>...

The first notebook page you created this year was <%= @earliest_page.name %>, which you created on <%= @earliest_page.created_at.strftime("%B %d") %>. What a good omen for things to come!

<%= link_to @earliest_page do %> <%= image_tag @earliest_page.random_image_including_private %> <% end %>
<%= @earliest_page.name %>

First created <%= time_ago_in_words @earliest_page.created_at %> ago and last updated <%= time_ago_in_words @earliest_page.updated_at %> ago.

<%= link_to "View #{@earliest_page.name}", @earliest_page, class: "#{@earliest_page.class.text_color}" %>
<% end %>
<% if @created_content['Universe'].any? %>
<%= render partial: 'content/components/parallax_header', locals: { content_type: 'Universe', content_class: Universe, image_only: true } %>
<%= Universe.icon %>

You started creating <%= pluralize @created_content['Universe'].count, 'new universe' %> in <%= @year %>!

That's awesome! <% if @created_content['Universe'].count > 1 %> More than one is more than most! You must be great at multi-tasking! <% end %>
<% @created_content['Universe'].each do |universe| %>
<%= link_to universe do %>
<%= Universe.icon %> <%= universe.name %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <% if @total_created_non_universe_content > 0 %>
In your worlds, you created <%= pluralize @total_created_non_universe_content, 'notebook pages' %> this year!

That's a big deal! Fictitious worlds can be extremely hard and complex to create. Filling out worldbuilding pages is just the first step to make the world in your head a reality. The more you create and flesh out, the richer your world becomes!

In all, you created...

<% Rails.application.config.content_types[:all_non_universe].each do |content_type| %> <% next if @created_content[content_type.name].count.zero? %>
<% icon_count = [@created_content[content_type.name].count, 4].min %> <% icon_count.times do %> <%= content_type.icon %> <% end %>
<%= pluralize @created_content[content_type.name].count, content_type.name %>
<% end %>

upload You also uploaded <%= pluralize @created_content['ImageUpload'].count, 'image' %> to your notebook pages this year!

<% end %> <% if @created_content['Document'].any? %>
<%= render partial: 'content/components/parallax_header', locals: { content_type: 'Document', content_class: Document, image_only: true } %>
<%= Document.icon %>
You started writing <%= pluralize @created_content['Document'].count, 'document' %> in <%= @year %>!

Sometimes it can be hard to stare down that blank sheet... but you seem to be entirely unphased!

<% @created_content['Document'].each do |document| %>
<%= link_to document_path(document) do %>
<%= Document.icon %> <%= document.title %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <% if @words_written > 0 %>

All in all, you wrote

<%= number_with_delimiter @words_written %>

words in Notebook.ai this year!

Good job!
<% end %> <% if @created_content['Thredded::Topic'].any? || @created_content['Thredded::Post'].any? || @created_content['ContentPageShare'].any? %>
<%= render partial: 'content/components/parallax_header', locals: { content_type: 'Discussion', content_class: Document, image_only: true } %>
forum You're a social bee!

You seem to strike a good balance between working alone and with others.

This year, you created <%= link_to thredded_path do %>
<%= @created_content['Thredded::Topic'].count %>
<% end %> <%= 'discussion topic'.pluralize @created_content['Thredded::Topic'].count %> on the forums.
You shared your worldbuilding progress <%= link_to stream_path do %>
<%= @created_content['ContentPageShare'].count %>
<% end %> <%= 'time'.pluralize @created_content['ContentPageShare'].count %> with your followers.
and you replied to discussions <%= link_to thredded_path do %>
<%= @created_content['Thredded::Post'].count %>
<% end %> <%= 'time'.pluralize @created_content['Thredded::Post'].count %>!
<% end %> <% if @created_content['PageCollection'].any? || @publish_rate > 0 %>
<%= render partial: 'content/components/parallax_header', locals: { content_type: 'PageCollection', content_class: PageCollection, image_only: true } %>
<% if @created_content['PageCollection'].any? %>

<%= PageCollection.icon %> You created <%= pluralize @created_content['PageCollection'].count, 'new Collection' %> in <%= @year %>!

<%= render partial: 'page_collections/collection_grid', locals: { collection_list: @created_content['PageCollection'], title: "Your #{@year} Collections" } %>
<% end %> <% if @publish_rate > 0 %>
<%= PageCollection.icon %> You were published in <%= pluralize @published_collections.count, 'Collection' %> this year!

You managed a <%= (@publish_rate * 100 + 0.5).to_i %>% acceptance rate when submitting to a Collection!

Congratulations on being awesome!

<%= render partial: 'page_collections/collection_grid', locals: { collection_list: @published_collections, title: "Collections highlighting #{current_user.display_name}'s work" } %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= @year %> was a productive year for you!

Thanks for spending it on Notebook.ai. I can't wait to see what you accomplish in <%= @year + 1 %>! :)

— Andrew