Your page updates
You can use the charts below to see how often you update your worldbuilding pages in
<%= area_chart current_user.content_change_events.where('updated_at > ?', - 7.days).group_by_day(:created_at).map { |date, count| [date.split(' ').first, count] }, download: true %>
<%= area_chart current_user.content_change_events.where('updated_at > ?', - 1.month).group_by_week(:created_at).map { |date, count| [date.split(' ').first, count] }, download: true %>
<%= area_chart current_user.content_change_events.where('updated_at > ?', - 1.year).group_by_month(:created_at).map { |date, count| [date.split(' ').first, count] }, download: true %>
<%= area_chart current_user.content_change_events.group_by_month(:created_at).map { |date, count| [date.split(' ').first, count] }, download: true %>
Every field you edit on a page counts as one update. For example, editing a character's age and birthday counts as two updates, even if done at the same time.