<% if analysis.automated_readability_index %>
<%= analysis.automated_readability_index.try(:round) %> / 16 bubble_chart Automated Readability Index

According to this scale, your document is <% if analysis.automated_readability_index.round > 12 %> Understandable by a <%= (analysis.automated_readability_index.round - 12).ordinalize %>-year college student. <% else %> Understandable by a <%= analysis.automated_readability_index.round.ordinalize %>-grade reader. <% end %>

The Automated Readability Index measures differentials in difficulty between words and sentences to access how understandable text as a whole is to the average reader.

A higher score on this scale indicates a document is harder to understand.

To raise your score on this scale:

  • arrow_drop_up Use longer words.
  • arrow_drop_up Use more words per sentence.

To lower your score on this scale:

  • arrow_drop_down Use shorter words.
  • arrow_drop_down Use fewer words per sentences.

<% end %>