% if analysis.dale_chall_grade %>
According to this scale, your document is <%= case analysis.dale_chall_grade.round(1) when -100..4.9 "Understandable by the average 4th-grade student or lower.".html_safe when 5.0..5.9 "Understandable by the average 5th- or 6th-grade student.".html_safe when 6.0..6.9 "Understandable by the average 7th- or 8th-grade student.".html_safe when 7.0..7.9 "Understandable by the average 9th- or 10th-grade student.".html_safe when 8.0..8.9 "Understandable by the average 11th- or 12th-grade student.".html_safe when 9.0..100 "Understandable by the average college student.".html_safe end %>
The Dale-Chall Readability Score was designed by literary researchers Edgar Dale and Jeanne Chall in 1948, then significantly improved with a new formula in 1995.
Unlike other readability scales that attempt to measure complexity from word and sentence structure, the Dale-Chall formula uses a list of 3,000 predetermined words that at least 80% of fourth graders are familiar with. Any words used that aren't on this list are designated as potentially-difficult words.
A higher score on this scale indicates a document is harder to understand.
To raise your score on this scale:
To lower your score on this scale: