<%= case emotion.downcase when 'fear' """ Documents with a dominant fear emotion often revolve around the fear of impending threats or danger, whether enumerated explicitly or left more vague. Fear is a survival mechanism that is a reaction to some negative stimulus, ranging from a mild caution to an extreme phobia. """ when 'sadness' """ Documents with a dominant sadness emotion often accompany a deep feeling of loss, mourning, or disadvantage. When characters are portrayed to be quiet, less energetic, withdrawn, or passive, readers may infer that sadness exists. """ when 'disgust' """ Documents with a dominant disgust emotion are often evoked due to a juxtaposition or revulsion when comparing something normal to something abnormal. The disgust may intensify as the document progresses, expounding upon details and contrasting the abnormalities further. """ when 'anger' """ Documents with a dominant anger emotion are often evoked due to an emotional response to injustice, conflict, humiliation, negligence, or betrayal. Oftentimes this anger will lead to one individual attacking a target verbally or physically, but passive anger can also be manifested through the act of silently sulking, growing tension, or hostility. """ when 'joy' """ Documents with a dominant joy emotion are often layered with shades of varying levels of enjoyment, satisfaction, and pleasure. There is a calming sense of well-being, inner peace, love, safety, and contentment. """ end %>