<%# We're using the medium-editor CDN here instead of the rails-medium-editor gem because it broke in the latest version of Chrome, and has been archived for no more changes. Ergo, we gotta move off of it. :) %> <% set_meta_tags title: "Editing: " + @document.title, description: truncate(@document.body) %> <%= content_for :full_width_page_header do %> <%= render partial: 'documents/components/autosave_bar', locals: { document: @document } %>
<%= form_for @document do |f| %> <%= render partial: 'documents/components/document_name_bar', locals: { document: @document, f: f } %> <% end %>
<%= @document.body.try(:html_safe) %>
<% end %>
<%= render partial: 'javascripts/content_linking' %>