<%= link_to data_vault_path, class: 'grey-text tooltipped', style: 'position: relative; top: 4px;', data: { position: 'bottom', enterDelay: '500', tooltip: "Back to your Data Vault" } do %> arrow_back <% end %> Download your notebook

We offer the following download formats, with more coming soon.

file_download Outline (TXT)
A human-readable format useful for turning your entire notebook into a text outline.
  • <%= link_to "notebook.txt", notebook_outline_path %>
file_download Excel (CSV)
A basic spreadsheet format that you can import into Excel, Google Sheets, or any other spreadsheet application.
    <% Rails.application.config.content_types[:all].each do |page_type| %>
  • <%= link_to "#{page_type.name.downcase.pluralize}.csv", notebook_csv_path(model: page_type.name.downcase.pluralize) %>
  • <% end %>
file_download JSON
JSON exports are recommended for developers and those looking to import their data into JSON-compatible software.
  • <%= link_to "notebook.json", notebook_json_path %>
file_download XML
XML exports are recommended for those looking to import their data into XML-compatible software.
  • <%= link_to "notebook.xml", notebook_xml_path %>
file_download YAML
YAML exports are a more human-readable format for importing into other applications.
  • <%= link_to "notebook.yml", notebook_yml_path %>