<% words_with_clues = { 'Andrew': 'the man who loves you the most', 'Amy': 'the best wife in the world', 'Amsterdam': 'our first stop in europe', 'England': 'our second country in europe', 'Italy': 'our last country in europe', 'Vesuvius': 'birthday volcano', 'Bethany': 'your maid of honor', 'Clayton': 'the bestest of men (for a wedding)', 'honeymoon': 'Niagara Falls', 'rednovalabs': 'KC office of love', 'Lucy': 'our little wocky slush', 'Dimitri': 'our little fuzzy bitch boy', 'humming': 'type of porch-nesting bird', 'raytown': "the city of Benetti's", 'flanders': "sad valentine's dog", 'amycakes': "Amy's delicious Valentine's dessert", 'mashed': 'the best form of potatoes', 'Ireland': 'the european country we biked the most in', 'sunflower': "Amy's favorite flower", "mountain": 'engaged on top of a _____', 'Norway': 'the best country to get engaged in', 'Joplin': 'the city Dimitri came from', 'Independence': 'the city of our wedding venue', 'rain': 'what fell from the sky while we got married', 'Cancun': "bachelor party destination", 'Jumeirah': "the Burj Al Arab is next to _____ Beach", 'marriage': 'this bwings us togeder, spelled correctly', # movies 'delivery': "Kiki's _____ Service", 'neighbor': 'My _____ Totoro', 'castle': "Howl's Moving _____", # Movies: Princess Bride 'Rugen': "This Count killed Inigo's father", 'never': "when to go against a Sicilian when death is on the line", 'iocane': 'powder the Dread Pirate Roberts cultivated an immunity for', 'Buttercup': 'the name of the eponymous Princess Bride', 'Inconceivable': "Vizzini's oft-misused word that Inigo questions", 'wife': "'I'm not a witch, I'm your ______!'", # Movies: Disney # TV: The Office 'Mose': "Dwight's cousin at Schute Farms", 'Foreman': "Michael burned his foot on this George ______ grill", 'refrigeration': 'Bob Vance of Vance _____', 'Meredith': 'Michael hits her with a car', 'Colorado': 'the state Michael and Holly eventually move away to', 'Sprinkles': "Angela's cold, dead cat, thanks to Dwight", 'Hunter': "Jan Levinson's musically-talented assistant", 'Pete': "Plop's actual name in The Office", 'pita': "Ryan caused the fire while heating up this cheesy bread", 'Treble': "Andy's a capella group from Cornell: Here Comes _____", 'bacon': "Michael Scott loves to wake up to the smell of this meat", "Scrantonicity": "Kevin Malone's band", "Electric": "Scranton's nickname is The _____ City", "lithium": "what kind of batteries do Scott's Tots get instead of tuition?", "Dementors": "the worst part of prison, according to Prison Mike", "jello": "edible substance that Jim puts office supplies in", "MISSsterious": "women's suit brand unknowingly donned by Michael Scott", "Kelly": "who needs to access their 'uncrazy' side?", "ignorant": "what kind of slut is Dwight?", "superstitious": "Michael Scott is a little stitious, but he's not _____", "both": "Would Michael Scott rather be feared or loved?", "Creed": "The Office coworker that tries to set Jim up with his daughter", "king": "the level of lizard royalty Robert California claims to be", "rabies": "what disease does Michael Scott organize a fun run for?", "Susan": "Gabe Lewis's middle name in The Office", "broccoli": "what vegetable does Michael Scott force-feed Kevin?", "Drummer": "Angela Kinsley's favorite song is about a boy with this occupation", "crossword": "What kind of puzzle is Stanley almost always seen doing on The Office?", # TV: 30 Rock 'Rockefeller': 'The "Rock" in 30 Rock is short for this', 'Oprah': 'Liz Lemon mistakes a 12-year-old girl for this celebrity', 'Greenzo': "David Schwimmer's eco-friendly mascot on 30 Rock", 'Jenna': 'who would literally kill herself if Jack hired another blonde woman?', # TV: P&R 'recreation': 'Parks and ______', 'Gryzzl': 'this hip startup is trying to buy the Newport land', 'Janet': "the aristrocratic Ms. Snakehole's first name", 'Barkley': "Bobby Newport's campign lobbyist's last name", 'Batman': "Ben's Treat-yo-self costume", "Indiana": "Pawnee's state", "Bloosh": "Annabel Porter's internet lifestyle magazine", 'Hogwarts': "what Andy mistakes Buckingham Palace for", 'Tammy': 'the strangely irresistable name for Ron Swanson', # Books 'Monte': 'The Count of _____ Cristo', 'revenge': 'what Edmon Dantes wants most', 'Anne': 'the youngest Bronte sister', 'secrets': 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of _____', 'GGM': 'a master of literary time travel', 'Goldfinch': 'The _____, starring Theodore Decker', 'Bassoon': 'Raine Wilson is The _____ King', 'Rye': 'J.D. Salinger says the Catcher is in here', 'Kite': "what Amir runs to fetch in Afghanistan", 'death': 'What Gabriel Garcia Marquez chronicled and foretold', 'Cholera': 'Love in the Time of _____', 'one': 'how many hundred years of solitude?', 'Alchemist': 'the titular wiseman to Santigo, a young Spanish shepard', 'phantom': 'the kind of toolbooth that can suddenly appear', 'three': 'how many musketeers?', 'innocence': "the age Edith Wharton is most concerned about", "Narnia": "Lucy, Edmund, Peter, and Susan visit here", 'Caspian': "The Dawn Treader's captain", 'unusual': 'ROUS: Rodents of _____ Size', 'Florin': 'in what fictional country does The Princess Bride take place?', # Music 'ironic': 'like rain on your wedding day', 'toro': '___ y Moi', 'Chazwick': "Toro y Moi's real first name", 'JamesMurphy': "he's spinning at Chazwick's house", 'Daft': "the punk playing at James Murphy's house", # memes 'tiktok': 'the successor to vine', 'roadworkahead': 'yeah, i sure hope it do' } selected_words = words_with_clues.to_a.sample(15).to_h %>

<% selected_words.each do |word, clue| %>
<% end %>