Worldbuilding is better with a world of diverse experiences and ideas. For the first time, all Premium users have been given a vote to decide what's first community-based feature will be!
Love an idea and want to make sure it wins? You earn an additional vote with each user you refer to that signs up for a Premium subscription. <%= link_to 'Learn more.', friends_landing_path %>
A huge thank you to everyone that participated in the community drive!
Voting is now closed, but will return with a new round of features in the future. You can continue earning additional votes by <%= link_to 'sharing your referral code', subscription_path, class: 'blue-text text-lighten-5' %> for any upcoming feature vote rounds.
The winner of this round is Forums & Chat Rooms! You can expect to see this feature coming in the near future. A notable runner-up is Universe Collaboration, which you can expect to see shortly thereafter. Thanks again, everyone, for voting and helping to make better for everyone!
Happy worldbuilding!
- Andrew, creator
<% if user_signed_in? && %>
<% end %>
link_to 'Vote',
class: "btn btn-primary blue #{'disabled' if !user_signed_in? ||}"
<% if user_signed_in? && %>
<% end %>
<%= pluralize votable.votes.count, 'vote' %>
You've voted for this feature <%= pluralize current_user.votes.where(votable: votable).count, 'time' %>.
<% end %>