Vote for's first community feature!

Worldbuilding is better with a world of diverse experiences and ideas. For the first time, all Premium users have been given a vote to decide what's first community-based feature will be!

Love an idea and want to make sure it wins? You earn an additional vote with each user you refer to that signs up for a Premium subscription. <%= link_to 'Learn more.', friends_landing_path %>

This round of voting has concluded.

A huge thank you to everyone that participated in the community drive!

Voting is now closed, but will return with a new round of features in the future. You can continue earning additional votes by <%= link_to 'sharing your referral code', subscription_path, class: 'blue-text text-lighten-5' %> for any upcoming feature vote rounds.

The winner of this round is Forums & Chat Rooms! You can expect to see this feature coming in the near future. A notable runner-up is Universe Collaboration, which you can expect to see shortly thereafter. Thanks again, everyone, for voting and helping to make better for everyone!

Happy worldbuilding!

- Andrew, creator

<% if user_signed_in? total_votes = current_user.votes.count free_votes = current_user.votes.where(votable_id: nil).count cast_votes = current_user.votes.where.not(votable_id: nil).count # Override free vote counts so no one can vote in this round anymore: free_votes = 0 disabled_voting_message = if cast_votes > 0 "You'll get an additional vote for every friend you refer that signs up for Premium." else "You'll get your first vote when you sign up for a Premium account." end end %> <% Votable.all.each_with_index do |votable, i| %> <% if i == 2 %>
<% end %>
<%= votable.icon %>
<%= %>

<% if user_signed_in? && %> <% end %> <%= link_to 'Vote', cast_vote_path(votable), class: "btn btn-primary blue #{'disabled' if !user_signed_in? ||}" %> <% if user_signed_in? && %> <% end %>

<%= pluralize votable.votes.count, 'vote' %>

<%= votable.description.html_safe %>
<% if user_signed_in? && cast_votes > 0 %>

You've voted for this feature <%= pluralize current_user.votes.where(votable: votable).count, 'time' %>.

<% end %>
<% end %>
You have <%= pluralize free_votes, 'vote' %> remaining.
<%= link_to 'Earn more by sharing with your friends.', friends_landing_path %>

Frequently asked questions

  • help_outlineWhen will voting be over?
    Voting will end at noon UTC on June 15, 2017. At that time, the feature with the most votes will "win" and will be included in a feature release shortly after.
  • help_outlineHow can I earn more votes?
    When you sign up for a Premium subscription, you are given one vote to cast however you'd like. Whenever you <%= link_to 'refer a friend to', friends_landing_path %> that signs up for Premium, you'll automatically be given two more feature votes (and an extra one for your friend).
  • help_outlineWhat will happen to the ideas that don't win?
    Based on voting, the other features will be prioritized accordingly. If two features are neck-and-neck, you can expect to see the runner-up make it into a future feature update sooner rather than later, but only the winning feature is guaranteed to be released first after voting.
  • help_outlineWhat if I have a different idea?
    To ensure that every idea has ample time to shine during voting, the options for this vote are closed. However, if you have other feature requests or feedback for, <%= link_to "feedback is always much appreciated", '' %> (and may make it into future voting rounds if voting goes well!).
  • help_outlineHave any other questions?
    I'm always happy to chat! Feel free to send me an email directly at