It's well-known that offers a wide variety of features that just aren't possible with traditional paper notebooks. However, those aren't the only benefits of going digital!
Whether you're worldbuilding with our specialized notebook pages, outlining story timelines, or writing your next novel, every page you create in directly contributes to less paper being used — and fewer trees cut down!
park The average 40-foot pine tree typically yields between 10,000 and 20,000 notebook-quality sheets of paper. For the estimations on this page, we're using a conservative estimate of <%= number_with_delimiter GreenService::SHEETS_OF_PAPER_PER_TREE %> pages per tree.
Digital content | Equivalent physical pages | Equivalent trees |
<%= content_class_from_name(content_type).icon %> <% if ["Timeline", "Document"].include?(content_type) %> <%= number_with_delimiter content_list_count %> <%= content_type.pluralize content_list_count %> <% else %> <%= link_to send("#{content_type.downcase}_worldbuilding_info_path"), class: 'black-text' do %> <%= number_with_delimiter content_list_count %> <%= content_type.pluralize content_list_count %> <% end %> <% end %> | copy_all <% if content_type == 'Timeline' %> <% tooltip = "This estimate is based on the average timeline having approximately #{GreenService::AVERAGE_TIMELINE_EVENTS_PER_PAGE} detailed events per page when printed." %> <% elsif content_type == 'Document' %> <% tooltip = "This estimate is based on the total word count across all documents on" %> <% else %> <% tooltip = "This estimate is based on the average #{content_type} page being approximately #{GreenService.physical_pages_equivalent_for(content_type)} physical pages long when printed." %> <% end %> <%= number_with_delimiter physical_page_equivalent %> <%= 'page'.pluralize physical_page_equivalent %> | park <%= number_with_delimiter tree_equivalent.round(5) %> <%= 'tree'.pluralize tree_equivalent %> |
Totals | copy_all <%= number_with_delimiter @total_pages_equivalent %> <%= 'page'.pluralize @total_pages_equivalent %> | park <%= number_with_delimiter @total_trees_saved.round(5) %> <%= 'tree'.pluralize @total_trees_saved %> saved |