<% if current_user.content_count > 0 && @content %>
Writing prompts from your world
<%= render partial: 'cards/serendipitous/content_question', locals: { content: @content, field: @attribute_field_to_question, redirect_path: prompts_path, show_empty_prompt: true, expand_by_default: true, show_view_button: false, include_quick_reference: false } %>

Don't forget! You can press @ when typing to link to any of your other pages.

<% if @attribute_field_to_question.present? %>
<%= link_to @content.view_path, class: 'entity-trigger sidenav-trigger', data: { target: "quick-reference-#{@content.page_type}-#{@content.id}"} do %>
vertical_split Quick-reference <%= @content.name %>
<% end %> <%= link_to prompts_path do %>
arrow_forward Skip this prompt
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= render partial: 'javascripts/content_linking' %> <%= render partial: 'prompts/smart_sidebar', locals: { content: @content } %> <% else %> <%= image_tag 'tristan/small.webp', class: 'tooltipped tristan right', data: { position: 'left', enterDelay: '500', tooltip: "Hey, I'm Tristan! Once you've created some pages in your digital notebook, I'll come up with some writing prompts for you!" } %>
Worldbuilding prompts

<% if current_user.content_count.zero? %> Once you've created some ideas in Notebook.ai, you can visit this page for writing prompts set in your world. They'll star your characters, in your locations, using your items, seeing your creatures, practicing your religions, and so on — so check back frequently for the latest prompts just for you! <% else %> It looks like <% if @universe_scope.present? %> <%= link_to @universe_scope.name, @universe_scope %> <% else %> your world <% end %> is pretty fleshed out already, and you've answered all the questions I've come up with so far. Check back later and I might have a writing prompt for you, but I bet I can come up with some sooner if you <% new_content = (current_user.createable_content_types - [Universe]).sample %> <%= link_to new_polymorphic_path(new_content) do %> create <% if current_user.send(new_content.name.downcase.pluralize).any? %> another <% else %> <%= %w(a e i o u).include?(new_content.name.downcase[0]) ? 'an' : 'a' %> <% end %> <%= new_content.name.downcase %>! <% end %> <% end %>

<% end %>