<% referrals = current_user.referrals %> <% referral_count = referrals.count %> <% share_link = "https://www.notebook.ai/?referral=#{current_user.referral_code.code}" %>

Your referral code

Use your personalized referral URL for sharing Notebook.ai with others to make sure you get credit for referring them!

Your referral link is:

<%# %> you have

<%= referral_count %>

<%= 'referral'.pluralize(referral_count) %>
<%= link_to [ 'http://twitter.com/share?', 'url=' + CGI.escape(share_link), '&text=' + CGI.escape("I'm using Notebook.ai to create fictional worlds and I'd love for you to join me!") ].join, target: '_new' do %>
Share to Twitter
<% end %>
Share to Facebook
<%= link_to '#' do %>
Share to Pinterest
<% end %>

Referral rewards for everyone

Earn up to 10GB in extra storage space

Each user you refer to Notebook.ai earns you an extra 100MB in permanent image upload storage space, up to 10GB (100 referrals).

You've earned <% if referral_count < 10 %> <%= referral_count * 100 %>MB <% else %> <%= referral_count / 10.0 %>GB <% end %> in extra storage space so far.
Compete on the scoreboard

See how you stack up against other worldbuilders on the referral scoreboard. Every referral earns you 100 points.

You've earned <%= referral_count * 100 %> points. <%= link_to 'See the scoreboard!', scoreboard_path %>

Ambassador challenges for our biggest fans

Earn a year of free Premium access

The first user to refer 100 friends will win a year of free Premium.

100 referrals
Earn this achievement with <%= 100 - referral_count %> more referrals!
Earn a free-for-life Premium account

The first user to refer 1,000 friends will win free Premium for life.

1,000 referrals
Earn this achievement with <%= 1000 - referral_count %> more referrals!