The free experience was intentionally designed to be powerful enough for most amateur worldbuilders. All users receive full access to the core trifecta of worldbuilding pages: <%= linked_page_type(text: 'Characters', page_type: Character) %>, <%= linked_page_type(text: 'Locations', page_type: Location) %>, and <%= linked_page_type(text: 'Items', page_type: Item) %>. Premium is an optional upgrade for adventurous worldbuilders looking to take their fictional worlds to the next level. A Premium subscription unlocks <%= Rails.application.config.content_types[:premium].count %> additional page types for you to create:
<% Rails.application.config.content_types[:premium].each_with_index do |page_type, idx| %> <%= linked_page_type(text:, page_type: page_type) %>, <% end %> and unlimited <%= linked_page_type(text: 'Universes', page_type: Universe) %> to organize your worlds into. Premium also unlocks several other advanced features across the site, such as Timelines, our AI-powered document analysis, Collections that organize your worlds in new ways, and increased upload storage space for all of your images and reference material.
There are two account tiers on Starter and Premium.
The free tier is called Starter. You can create unlimited <%= linked_page_type(text: 'Characters', page_type: Character) %>, <%= linked_page_type(text: 'Locations', page_type: Location) %>, and <%= linked_page_type(text: 'Items', page_type: Item) %>, as well as create up to 5 <%= linked_page_type(text: 'Universes', page_type: Universe) %> to organize your worlds into.
The paid tier is called Premium. Premium starts at $9 per month, but you can secure it at a cheaper price by choosing longer subscription periods. Right now, the following options are available:
Subscriptions automatically renew based on the date you started them. You can see what day your subscription will renew by viewing your <%= link_to 'Billing Page', subscription_path %> with a subscription active.
You're free to cancel any subscription at any time, without any penalties or additional fees. To do so, simply visit your <%= link_to 'Billing Page', subscription_path %> and click "Downgrade" to switch back to the free Starter tier. Your subscription will cancel immediately and any unused time will be credited to your account.
You can cancel a subscription at any time by visiting your <%= link_to 'Billing Page', subscription_path %> and clicking "Downgrade" to switch back to the free Starter tier. Your subscription will cancel immediately and no longer renew.
Once you've created any page on, you will keep full access to view, edit, and/or share that page, regardless of whether you have an active Premium subscription or not.
While on the free Starter tier, you simply cannot create additional Premium pages without re-upgrading to a new subscription. Your existing pages are always yours and will never be locked behind any kind of payment to access. also offers prepaid subscriptions where you choose a duration of time you'd like Premium for and pay upfront for that time. Afterwards, your account will automatically be downgraded back to the free Starter tier, but you'll keep full access to any pages you've created.
To pay for Premium without a subscription, you'll need to purchase and activate a Premium Code <%= link_to 'here', prepay_path %>.
Premium Codes are prepaid codes that can be shared with others and activated on any account to enable Premium access for a set amount of time. Premium Codes are often purchased by those who don't wish to have a renewing subscription, or wish to gift Premium to someone else without sharing their payment details.
Premium Codes are available for purchase <%= link_to 'here', prepay_path %>.
Right now, we don't accept Paypal payments for the standard Premium subscription.
However, we do accept Paypal for Premium Code purchases, which can be activated for the same Premium access without a recurring subscription. You can purchase Premium codes <%= link_to 'here', prepay_path %>.
The best way to purchase Premium for a friend is with Premium Codes. Premium Codes allow for you to prepay for as much Premium as you'd like and receive a code that you can share with your friend, which they can then activate on their account whenever they want.
When you have an active Premium subscription, any collaborators you add to your universes will automatically receive Premium access when they're working within your universe. This will let them create Premium pages as if they had Premium themselves. doesn't store your payment information anywhere on our site or servers; instead, our industry-standard payment processor Stripe handles the secure storage of your payment information.
While not storing your payment information protects us from data leaks that could otherwise put your data at risk, it also means we can't provide access to directly view or edit your existing payment information.
If you wish to change your saved payment method, we recommend you first delete your existing payment method and simply add a new one. You can delete existing payment methods or add new payment methods at any time by visiting your <%= link_to 'Billing History', billing_history_path %> page.
Please reach out to me directly at supports data exports in CSV, JSON, XML, YAML, and plaintext formats.
To export your notebook, just click "Export your data" in the <%= link_to 'Data Vault', data_vault_path %> and select the format you want.
Of course! :)
I wish I could provide for free to everyone. In fact, the site is intentionally designed for the free tier to be enough for most worldbuilders, leaving the Premium subscription to those who want to dive deep and really flesh out amazing worlds.
Offering a Premium subscription has kept the site running smoothly for over half a million users since 2016—and we're not planning on going away any time soon. Whether you're subscribed and supporting the site financially or just using the site, sharing it with friends, and/or offering feedback, you're still supporting the site. ♥
Feel free to reach out to me any time at or post on the <%= link_to 'Site Support', '' %> discussion board. I'm constantly working to make the site better and I'm always happy to help!