Making a purchase below will generate a single-use code that can be redeemed at any time for a Premium subscription on You can purchase these codes for yourself if you'd like to prepay for a certain amount of months without a recurring monthly subscription, or for others if you'd like to gift a Premium membership to someone else!
You can purchase as many codes as you'd like and redeem them whenever you'd like.
While your Premium is active, you'll have access to <%= Rails.application.config.content_types[:premium].count %> additional worldbuilding pages: you'll be able to create unlimited <%= Rails.application.config.content_types[:premium].map { |page| " #{page.icon} #{}" }.to_sentence.html_safe %>!
All Premium features for $9.00
All Premium features for $24.00 (save $3.00 compared to monthly)
All Premium features for $48.00 (save $6.00 compared to monthly)
All Premium features for $84.00 (save $24.00 compared to monthly)
Please note that codes may take up to 5 minutes to appear here after purchase.
<% if current_user.on_premium_plan? && @invoices.any? %><% if invoice.page_unlock_promo_code.present? %>
Description: <%= invoice.page_unlock_promo_code.description %>
<% if invoice.activateable? %>Promo code: <%= invoice.page_unlock_promo_code.code %>
<% end %> <% else %> <% if invoice.status == 'APPROVED' %> Processing payment... <% else %> <%= link_to 'Awaiting payment', invoice.approval_url %> <% end %> <% end %><% unless invoice.page_unlock_promo_code&.uses_remaining&.zero? %> <% if invoice.status == 'CREATED' %> Ready for payment <% else %> Purchased <% end %> <%= time_ago_in_words invoice.created_at %> ago <% end %>
<% if invoice.page_unlock_promo_code %>
Anyone you send this code to can redeem it for their own account, activating the <%= pluralize invoice.months, 'month' %> of Premium immediately. To share it, send the following link with them:
If they don't already have a account, you'll also be credited with their referral.