post, content = post_and_content if local_assigns.key?(:post_and_content)
blocked_post = user_signed_in? && post.user.present? && post.user.blocked_by?(current_user)
<% if blocked_post %>
1 message hidden.
<% else %>
# Mute the post if it's one line that starts with ( and ends with )
muted_post = post.present? && post.to_model.content.split("\n").reject(&:empty?).all? { |paragraph| paragraph.strip.start_with?('(') && paragraph.strip.end_with?(')') }
muted_post_classes = 'muted-thredded-post'
<%= render 'thredded/posts_common/before_first_unread_post', post: post if post.first_unread_in_page? %>
<%= content_tag :article, id: dom_id(post), class: "thredded--post thredded--#{post.read_state}--post #{muted_post ? muted_post_classes : 'card'}" do %>
<%= render 'thredded/posts_common/actions', post: post, actions: local_assigns[:actions] %>
<%= render 'thredded/posts_common/header', post: post %>
<%= ForumReplacementService.replace_for(content, current_user) || render('thredded/posts/content', post: post) %>
<% if post.pending_moderation? && !Thredded.content_visible_while_pending_moderation %>
<%= t 'thredded.posts.pending_moderation_notice' %>
<% elsif post.blocked? && post.can_moderate? %>
<%= render 'thredded/shared/content_moderation_blocked_state', moderation_record: post.last_moderation_record %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>